What are some favorite NOS 12AX7s for phono?

I recently bought a new phonostage here on Audiogon. I wanted something made right here in the States like my last tube preamp,so I pulled the trigger on one made by Jenison Audio;the Perpetuum model. I checked and he(seller: dividebytube) doesn't have one listed for sale right now, but I have been really happy with it. I have a VPI table w/ SME 309 arm, and right now I'm running a Dynavector 10X5 high opt. MC phono cart. I have tried Sovtek LPS 12AX7 tubes and liked the treble detail and "crisp and clean" sound they offer, but I am definitely looking for more of a 3-D sound. I am open to suggestions for NOS (or modern production) 12AX7 tubes that balance detail and warmth, sort of an "updated vintage" sound. I welcome any suggestions.
I've tried all manner of 12AX7's in my Hovland HP-100 phono including a number of NOS' and the overall best that I have found so far are the Sophia Electric (have not tired the Psvane yet though). Of course get their "A" grade for best results. Of course, YMMV!
Stickman-- I actually was curious about the Sophia; is this a selected version of the same tube also sold as the Tianjin Full Music? Does the Sophia have box plates, kind of like the pictures of CV 4004 Mullards I have seen? Is there a particular vendor to get them from? THANKS to all! C. James
You must relegate to the fact that if you want a quiet phono stage (especially a MC stage) cheap tubes are not the way to go. I suggest to email Jim McShane and get his take on what you might need. He ha never steered me wrong.
Check out Sophia's website for more info; they are located in Virgina I believe. Supposedly they go to the Chinese factory and cull-out the best testing 12AX7's as they come off the assembly line. They are a little pricey in my opinion but overall they are the best 12AX7 that I have run across. My Hovland eats phono tubes for lunch so I am replacing them quite often; gets a tab bit expensive. I am in the hunt now for an end-all top shelf tubed phono; I've tried the Audio Research Ref Phono 2 several times and it was very good. Looking at trying the EAR 912 also.
