Buying a Tube Amplifier

I have alot of audio equipment, my favorite set up is Simaudio moon W5.3 and P5.3 amp and preamp with B&W or Axiom speakers. I am listening to alot of electric guitar right now and can not imagine it sounding any better.

I have always wanted to try out tubes and I am going to. I want the first step to be something under 1K ish. I have been considering Antique sound Labs AV 25 monos.

Does anyone use or know these and can anyone give me some ideas of something that has really impressed them and what you are comparing them with?

Any help is appreciated
You may want to seek out an ARC D70, either a Mk1 or maybe better still, a Mk2.
These can be had today for a song and are IMO, still ultra competitive with almost any other tube amp out there! Only thing to be concerned with is the very poor ability to bias this amp, which is best left to a tech. However, with that said and the price that these are seemingly going for today, I cannot think of a better tube amp in the price range.
I totally disagree with some of the posters above about electric guitars and tube amps. The tonal density of electric guitars is represented MUCH better on my current tube setup than any of my previous ss setups. Tubes are not necessarily about "warmth" as much as density of tone. Now, granted my amps are way outside of your suggested price range.

You didn't mention if your budget was for just amps or amps and a pre. If you are looking at that price range for an integrated, I suggest you look at a used Manley Stingray. I doubt you will be disappointed, and it will drive moderately efficient speakers.

As for driving B&W speakers, I would tend to agree with others that tubes in your price range might not be a good match.

I am having a hard time finding any information on the ARC D70, any suggestions where I can get some
I agree with Daveyf but again biasing is a bit trickey. You might want to check the archives here and on Audio Asylum. I'm not sure if ARC has any info on their website but this is an amp you can't go wrong with, proven design and excellent performance, good price and easy to resell if it doesn't meet your needs.