Best Integrated amp for Wilson Audio Sasha

Thinking of the Gryphon Diablo, Acuphase E560, Passlab Nt-150 or Dartzeel 8550 for the Sasha. Any recommendation from those using this speaker?
I don't know about the integrated---just going back from memory on the stereo amp, in which multiple reviews said lower impedances weren't its thing (I believe Mike Lavigne told me that as well a long time ago). That would lead me to hesitate on spending 20k on their integrated to run on Sashas (which I've heard numerous times and like power imo)

I believe Jeff Dorgay had a Dart run out of steam on Logan CLXs---which could be a more difficult load.

btw- JTinn is the distributor for Dart and he should have disclosed that.

May be JTinn being distributor can arrange for you home audition of Dartzeel 8550 ?
I have no doubt that this great amp is stable at 1.8 Ohms load. What would be my concern is that if it operate at 450 watts at 2 Ohms then its current would be 15A...which is not that great....but if you love flute concertos or country music it may work fantastically well for you.

You can arrange Spectrons for 30 days or for 60 days if you wish home audition.

Nothing bit home audition. No pressure, you have time - its the best. You have great speakers, one of the best in the world and you have a chance to make extraordinary system... just don;t be lazy

Good Luck
hifinut, I don't see how you could go wrong with anything on your list. I would also suggest checking out the VTL integrated and the NAIM Supernait. It will all depend on what you like.

I have the Sasha but I drive it with separates from Nagra and Ayre.
As a Watt/Puppy 8 user, the lastest W/P incarnation prior to Sasha, I would never consider an inetgrated. Not sure what your amp budget is, but I would consider a higher power separate power amp either stereo or of mono block type. I used to drive the W/P's with an old Mark Levinson 27.5 which is 200 watts into 4 ohm load. I now use Pass XA-100.5 monoblocks which deliver pure class A power at 200 watts/4ohms. Those amps hardly break a sweat with my Watt Puppies and sound glorious. As other's have integrated will not deliver the maximum performance out of those speakers (not enough peak current). Sure they will work and sound good with the right inegrated, like the pass, but you will enjoy them much more with better amplification (separates), imo.
ASR Emitter II exclusive, maybe?
Not cheap, and the maxed out version is a 4 box story!