Jadis orchestra reference or DA50 for Proac D15?

I have a new Proac D15 loudspeaker (88db), driven by a Cayin A-50T integrated tube amplifier. The amp is 35wpc under ultralinear mode using four NOS Mullard EL34 tubes. I am considering replacing the amp with JOR or DA50, but not sure which one should I go ? Thanks a lot for your suggestions !!!
I used to have Jadis Orchestra Reference and now currently have the DA50 Signature. The DA50 is definitely a big upgrade to Orchestra in every way. I use these integrated amps on my Rogers LS3/5a, and despite the small size of these speakers, they are hard to drive to make them really sing. The Orchestra did the job, but DA50 did the job with a lot more ease and sounded much better!
Thanks a lot, Avguy ! The information you provided is very useful to me! I have some concerns with the DA50, because it is only 30 wpc, so is it powerful enough to drive the Proac D15? Since it can drive you Rogers LS3/5a with ease, I guess it should be sufficient for my Proac D15 speakers as well. The other thing is: DA50 is a pure class A amp, does it generate a lot of heat, or the amp itself may become very hot if being played for several hours?
FWIW, I heard the DA50 Signature driving a larger pair of Proacs (I think it was the 3.8's) at a Stereophile show and it sounded fabulous, not underpowered at all....
All tube amps get hot and generate a lot of heat, same with Class A solid state amps. However, these "small" integrated Jadis amps like Orchestra and DA50 are quite tolerable in heat generation. You will only notice the heat if you put your hand close enough to the tubes.

With regard to whether it will be enough to drive a Proac D15, I think it should be okay since it is a "small" two way floor-standing speaker, with a 6 1/2 inch mid-bass driver.