Your best ''outstanding'' products in last 5 yrs?

I have been reflecting on my biggest surprises and value-for-money purchases in the last 5 years - the ones that were truly impressive for the money, here are mine, and would like to find out about other maniac's choices! Stick to what you have actually purchased please! My top 5 (so far).

1. Yamaha AS2000 integrated amplifier.

Totally off the charts. This is an absolutely outstanding amplifier for the money - I cannot think of anything under $ 3,000.00 that is more refined, powerful, and full-featured all at once. Gracious looks and battleship build are a bonus.

2. Shanling MC-30 receiver.

It may look like a toy, but it sure isn't one. Wonderful musicality with a whopping 3 watts of power, sounds much more powerful than that. A steal at the price. Amp, cd, tuner, with the magic of tubes.

3. Yamaha AS1000 SACD player.

Only the second (along with the AS2000 amp) Yamaha component I have owned in my lifetime. Ridiculous price, amazing quality with the smoothest-operating load mechanism south of 5K. Someone told me that Yamaha's marketing mistake is that they should have invented a sister brand (like Pioneers TAD or Teac's Esoteric) for the AS series so that they could charge more. I agree, but in the meantine, the consumer wins.

4. Music Hall MMF-7 turntable.

No REGA or VPI bragging rights, but this is a BEAUTIFUL table worth every penny and more. Decoupled motor, classy acrylic plate, double-deck plinth, decent Pro-Ject tonearm, it just screams ''buy me''. Now updated to 7.1 - I listened to both, could not detect a sonic difference with the same cartrige.

5. Cambridge Audio combo of DacMagic and the new ID100 digital transport (check my review on this one). Roaming hundreds of free digital Web radio stations has become very enjoyable with not-too-shabby sound. Pocket change as far as audiophile budget goes for these 2 items.

Special mention to TT weights and their Classic model. Where else can you get a CNC-machined product from an avionics supplier for 60 bucks?

That's it for now - after mega-buck tube amps, cables, preamps and cd players - these top 5 are it for me, and have given me a break in my pocketbook with no regrets.

Let's hear your choices!
All of Juana Molina's CD's.

Usher BE-718 speakers, after moving to a house with a small hifi space. The big rig sounded stupid in here and the BE-718's have some good qualities that surpass the big rig when it was in the big room.

NAD M3 integrated so I could use the bass management feature with the BE-718's and the pair of JL Audio F110's-another outstanding purchase.
Many products were purchased in the past five years , all mid fi type stuff and I think all were worth the effort , but the " most outstanding " would have to be the Ayre KX-R preamp and the Revel Salon 1 speakers . They replaced an A.R.C Ref 3 preamp and Revel F50 speakers .Those two new products added the swing and magic that I had heard about . Some better power cords and conditioning was the icing on the cake , oh and a new CD player . Pictures are on my system link .
Dear Sonicbeauty-I have no first-hand experience with any of your kit, but you did a beautiful job describing why these products grabbed you. Well done, well written.
Terrific value for the money in these items:

• Well Tempered Amadeus GTAA. The online reviews of this turntable and arm and its stablemates all say pretty much the same thing: you stop thinking about the gear and just let it play the music for you. And for a TT that does that, it's bargain-priced. I'm no different. My LPs have an endless new fascination for me now that I'm playing them on this gem. I even pulled the trigger on a RCM. I'm sticking with this turntable until Bill Firebaugh comes up with a better one.

• Air Tight Bonsai. Tiny little micromonitor with no bass at all under about 70 Hz. Single 4-inch driver and a box made by a Japanese cabinetmaker. Running off my EL34 integrated, I never get tired of their incredible focus, speed and neutral richness of timbre. I might get a sub one day but right now I don't care.

• Atlas Opus digital interconnect. Now discontinued. Gets the whole spectrum right. No garbage in the highs, no etching or super detail, just clarity, and amazingly full, liquid mids. Who'da thunk there was music in a digital cable?

Honorable mention to a Denon DL-103R cartridge, which might not really challenge cartridges worth hundreds more, but the Amadeus lets it perform at its best.