Removing power conditioner...

So after a couple years of just assuming my system was better with a power conditioner in it vs none, I took mine out for a quick test and was suprised at how different it was. I think I like it better without.

However, it occurred to me that I would have an issue as one of the benefits of the conditioner was that it provided many outlets for all my components.

For those of you in the 'better without a conditioner' camp, do you use any sort of power-bar or similar item to plug in all your components?

I have a dedicated 20amp circuit for audio, but only one outlet.

Thanks in advance.
Hammond makes some good quality inexpensive power strips, that provide no filtering, conditioning, or surge protection. They can be purchased online from the major industrial electronics distributors (Digikey, Mouser, Newark, etc).

I use one of their models to expand the number of outlets that are provided on the BrickWall Surge Protector/Filter that I also use.

-- Al
Naim recommends the Wiremold L10320. No surge protection, no filters, no lights. Allied Electronics used to sell them for around 35 bucks -- just checked and they're now $86!
try the weizhi. find it and try it. its the conditioner for folks who hate conditioners.
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