Ahhh, yes. A troubling subject for most of us...what when where and how of power products! As you know from our chat, I use Acoustic Revive RTP Ultimate's. They lay somewhere in between a power strip and conditioner. Basically, it is a solid aluminum box with Oyaide R-1 outlets modified to AR's spec but there is also some filler in the base of the casing that absorbs RFI/EMI and other nasties. The manufacture's description reads like some type of voodoo but it really does add a natural, organic, musical flavor without any real ill effect. It has no moving or mechanical parts. There are some pretty impressive reviews if you do a quick search. I find it hard to listen without them. They are also no limiting and I even am able to plug my massive Krell into one. I never thought that possible. The one downside is I occasionally get some ground issues, some devices don't like to be plugged in to them. I would guess it has something to do with how AR handles the ground inside the case.
I can't deal with the power conditioners that I have heard. They all seem to have a nice wow factor but after some time their tricks become more noticeable and I realize that some bad stuff is happening to my music in order to give me that magic black background and perceived clarity. None for me, thanks!