Removing power conditioner...

So after a couple years of just assuming my system was better with a power conditioner in it vs none, I took mine out for a quick test and was suprised at how different it was. I think I like it better without.

However, it occurred to me that I would have an issue as one of the benefits of the conditioner was that it provided many outlets for all my components.

For those of you in the 'better without a conditioner' camp, do you use any sort of power-bar or similar item to plug in all your components?

I have a dedicated 20amp circuit for audio, but only one outlet.

Thanks in advance.
Power House AUDIOPARTS INC, The POWER HOUSE Outlet Strip 6.
Or as suggested make your own using better outlets. However use an IEC so you can use your own high quality PC.
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At the level of involvement you have in your system, adding more dedicated circuits would likely be a relatively minor cost, comparatively, even if you had to change panels. John
Ahhh, yes. A troubling subject for most of us...what when where and how of power products! As you know from our chat, I use Acoustic Revive RTP Ultimate's. They lay somewhere in between a power strip and conditioner. Basically, it is a solid aluminum box with Oyaide R-1 outlets modified to AR's spec but there is also some filler in the base of the casing that absorbs RFI/EMI and other nasties. The manufacture's description reads like some type of voodoo but it really does add a natural, organic, musical flavor without any real ill effect. It has no moving or mechanical parts. There are some pretty impressive reviews if you do a quick search. I find it hard to listen without them. They are also no limiting and I even am able to plug my massive Krell into one. I never thought that possible. The one downside is I occasionally get some ground issues, some devices don't like to be plugged in to them. I would guess it has something to do with how AR handles the ground inside the case.

I can't deal with the power conditioners that I have heard. They all seem to have a nice wow factor but after some time their tricks become more noticeable and I realize that some bad stuff is happening to my music in order to give me that magic black background and perceived clarity. None for me, thanks!
I would say for me, it all depends.

at one point I had my amps into a PS Audio p1000, and my front end into a P300, all into the same wall circuit. I sold the p300 and found i huge detriment. I bought another p300 and all was well again.

I then found an ESP Reference power strip, decided to swap the stuff from the P300 into the ESP. Due to some power cord lengths, I could not put all the prior P300 stuff into the ESP. I didn't care for the results-----I then decided to use a different outlet for the ESP and had all front end into the ESP----now the ESP sounds better than the P300. I have been too happy with the current set up to tear it down and try the P300 into the same separate circuit--but I guess the moral of my story is, to make sure you can to spread the system to as many separate outlets as possible