audio research REF 150


who heard it ?
how does it sounds compared to the REF 110 ?

If i understand this, the REF150 is the REF110 replacement and the 110 will be discontinued correct?
It looks like it's about time for all of the reference series amps from ARC to be replaced by a new model if they keep to their 5-6 year new model intro as they have in the past.
LOL I can't keep track of all the ARC Amps. I'm sure the Ref150 will use KT-120's. Check with the factory on the KT-120 Ref 110 issue just to make sure it will work. I'm sure it will just a good idea to check with the factory first. Kalvin should know. If your in L.A. I can set it up and test it for you etc.
"It looks like it's about time for all of the reference series amps from ARC to be replaced by a new model if they keep to their 5-6 year new model intro as they have in the past"
New 250s and 750s will be released soon.
I have one in for service..Will keep you posted. Looks nice, huge coupling caps. This one is silver silver. Pretty. When it's finished I will report the power output and -3dB points