audio research REF 150


who heard it ?
how does it sounds compared to the REF 110 ?

"I have one in for service..Will keep you posted. Looks nice, huge coupling caps. This one is silver silver. Pretty. When it's finished I will report the power output and -3dB points"
Looking forward to your comments
I went to my local salon to hear two amp's I'm been fixating over when low and behold , there was the ARC Ref150 plunked between them in the sound room . I don't no how those three amps would sound at home or over longer periods , but that day with that equipment , ( ARC CD8 , ARC REF 5 pre , Mag 3.7's ) the 150 breathed more like music than the other two more pricy amps . It effortlessly bounced the usually hard to drive panel's around the room . I'm sure system synergy played a large part the good guys at this salon are very capable .
Very well designed amp. Well behaved. Put out about 148W across 8 ohms. Single channel driven.
Anybody else compare the Ref 110 (both with 6550 and KT120 tubes) with the new Ref 150? If yes, can you comment on sonic differences and whether the extra $s to upgrade from the Ref 110 is worth it? Thx
the ref 150 sounds better than about any ARC amp they have ever made, considering it has enough power for you. It is NOT just a tweaked ref110. go listen to it if you can, I was very impressed , I own Rogue m180s by the way.....