audio research REF 150


who heard it ?
how does it sounds compared to the REF 110 ?

Bif, give it time and hang in there until it fully breaks in. I'm sure the upgrade is going to separate itself from the standard Ref5 and your upgrade investment will be well worth the money spent.
I went to a small UK show, run by one company 2 weeks ago and it was one of the best I have been to. It even had Dan D'Agostini talking about his momentum monoblocks.

To get to the point, 2 of the 4 rooms had ARC amps, both the reference 150 and 75, on different speakers, but next door to each other. The first room had Wilson Sophias I think, initially with a Krell amp, ouch. Harsh, edgy sound. Then a reference 150 was put in instead, a collective Aaah..., from the audience. Just a lovely detailed but smooth sound, big soundstage. No loss of detail compared with the Krell, but a really musical, not etched "HiFi" sound.

Moving on to the Ref 75's, with Vertere speakers I think, a very similar sound, all the charectaristics I like. The store owner, Trevor, who I know quite well, said he has a number of customers changing from Ref 110 to Ref 75's, if that helps with the question of Ref 150 against ref110's.

My impression, for what it is worth, if your speakers are sensitive enough, the Ref 75's may be the sweetspot in the range. A review by a long time ARC fan in HiFi News a UK mag, suggested just that. He opined that for Tube amps, an output of about 75watts was optimal, with so many great amps, including ARC ones, at that level. I am sorely tempted by the 75's, when I can get the cash together.

Finally the room with the Momentum amps was in a different league, with larger Wilson speakers, I can't forget the model I'm afraid. With the new Momentum Pre, I don't think I have heard a better sound, ever. Mind you they are in a different price league too.
In the Reference 150 Video taken at Seattle's Definitive Audio, ARC sales Rep. Dave Gordon remarks, "We don't introduce new products that often."

You're kidding, right?

"we use Wilson (speakers) throughout the factory." a very enlightening statement for me.
@ David - thanks for your detailed report. I'm currently driving a pair of Paradigm Sig 8s (v3) with the VS-115 (w/ KT-120 power tubes). As mentioned, my pre is the Ref 5 SE, but it's still in its break in phase. Chris Osanna, the ARC tech manager, said it will take about 300 hours for upgraded Ref 5s to break in and I have a ways to go.

However, early reactions on the SE version are positive, but as Mitch said, I'm hanging in there. I'll come back later with a more detailed review after full break in. All I'll say at this point is there is a noticeable difference - more transparent, better imaging and definitely better low end timing and transient response. But, I'll be back in another 250 hours with more reactions.

As far as the Ref 150 is concerned, I appreciate member feedback especialy since the Ref 150 has been on the market for some time now and folks should be able to express more reliable impressions. So as I said above, I would be grateful to read more feedback.

The Ref 75 is obviously less expensive than the Ref 150. However, if and when I upgrade, I think I'll probably opt for the Ref 150. The S8s have some pretty rough capacitive phase angles and impedance curves in the low end. So I think the 1000 joule power supply in the Ref 150 may come in handy.

Of course, if the EE techie members think I'm mixing and matching apples and oranges with respect to power supply headroom stats and low end phase angles and impedance curves, clarification would be welcome. As an fyi, I supplement the super low end (50 Hz and below) with a sub woofer, so my impression is that I'm rockin' ok.

Thanks again guys.
As one who had the Ref110 for a few years in 6550 form and then in KT120 form and then the Ref 150 since its initial launch, my opinion is that the 110 was a very good amp but a little too diaphanous--not very strong in the midbass and lacking a bit in "flesh on the bones" imaging. The Ref 150 is a significant and important upgrade in many respects. But most of all, it banishes the above weaknesses of the 110. The difference is more than a matter of degree. The Ref 150 is a great amp and I believe will go down as a classic in the ARC line. The Ref 250 gives a little better grip on the bottom and slightly better dimensionality, but the differences between the 150 and 110 are much greater than the differences between the 150 and 250. A trade up from the VS-115 is an easy call and one that you would never regret.