Legacy speakers and what amps?

Hi all!

I want to upgrade to Legacy speakers. Possibly the Classic HD or maybe even the Focus SE. I've heard them both and I like what I hear. I'll most likely also need to upgrade my preamp and amp.

I'm not an audiophile but I do like a decent sound. I listen to rock and blues, from the Beatles to Blackfoot to Van Halen to Iron Maiden. I know that music doesn't tend to have the best recordings but it is what I like. Once in a while I like to listen to the music with some volume because I like to feel the music. The girlfriend doesn't like that so I normally do that when she's not home.

At this point I'm trying to figure out what pre-amp and amp would be a great match for the Focus speakers. What will make those speakers kick some butt?

That being said, the gear I want to end up with must not be too big and heavy. I want to be able to move it around once in a great while.

Also, I'm going to have to purchase used gear because I can't afford new.

Recommendations please and thanks for your time!
I agree that the Legacy speakers like power. I have owned many Legacy speakers over the years, with the chance to try out quite a few amps on them. My two favorites were the Legacy mono bloc and the Aragon Palladium 2 mono bloc (my understanding is the Palladium 1k is electrically identical). I actually preferred the Aragon over the Legacy amps by a small margin. Note: I did not like the original Aragon Palladium at all on the Legacy speakers I owned. The Palladium 1 & 2 can be told apart by the face plate, which is flat on the 1 but varies in thickness on the 2. I also had on hand a Pass Aleph 30 in a second system that I tried out on a pair of Legacy Classic HD's. It was absolutley great sounding within its limits, but it is only 30 wpc. With that in mind, I would suspect that the x150.5 and x250.5 would also be excellent choices. Best of luck.
Hi all!

Thanks for the great information! Now I have a few things to check out.

I used to have Legacy Classics and used a Rotel RB-1080 and it worked just fine. A good, high current, class A/B amp will give you great results.
Legacy used to, or still does, make their own amps so asking them would go a long towards answering your question.
I own the Classic and they are very good speakers. I had a good experience with Symphonic Line, BAT and Ayon.
Classe amps sounded great with Focus 20/20...that setup lasted a few years.