First, the Tung-Sols:
I am not an expert (far from that) on NOS tubes. Started with the stock tubes, then the Sylvanias VT-231 and now (since today!) the Tung-Sols Round Plates. The Sylvanias were airy (nice) but sounded lean and clinical in my Chardonnay. Actually, not too different from the stock tubes. But quite more expensive and microphonic. Sold them. With the Tung-Sols I had a very bad start while ago. Once I put them on the preamp they started to make some "huuummm...". When I got near them the "huuummm..." turned out to be a much louder "HUUUMMM...". Ouch! Well, I gave them a couple of minutes to settle down and the noise disapeared almost completely (!) As for the sound, it is quite the opposite of the Syls. A bit less airy (can I "fix" that with the 6F6G?...) but everything else was much better. Natural highs and lows and a palpable midrange. This is a very musical, very emotional tube. I guess I am done with 6SN7 type.
Now the 6F6G:
First of all, THANK YOU Eccletique and Bwhite! I guess I can get a pair of Sylvania Green base print 6F6G tubes. But I must confess that after my experience with the Syls VT-231 - regading sonics AND specially microphonics - I do not feel very confortable to go again with the Syls... So I ask: are these really good? How do they behave as for tight bass / sweet highs / air AND microphonics (comparing to the stock KT-66)?
Thanks guys!