Need Recommendations for SS amp for 2 ohm load


I'm in the process of upgrading my Innersound Eros speaker to Roger Sanders new 10b design. As an outcome, I need recommendations for a Solid State Amp that can handle 2ohm impedance and the phase swings along with the capacitance characteristic of the Innersound/Sandersound speakers.

I have the VTL MB450 which is a great amp, but the big tube amp won't be good with the wicked load of the electrostatic speaker.

I really prefer tube amps but the review on 6moon for Sandersounds 10c speaker strongly advise against tube amps due to the digital crossover it uses. My upgraded speaker will be using the same digital crossover, so my search now for a new SS amp that can handle this.

I'm looking in the budget range of $2-4K max...
If not Roger Sanders who must know his speakers the best then Spectron Musician III Mk2 - amplifier is stable up to 0.1 Ohm load and provide more then 3000 watts peak power. Not to mention its musicality

The rest of my system is Linn Majik DS player and Music Hall MF7 phono for source. I have the Lamm LL2 Deluxe for pre and I have two sets of amps; the VTL 450MB (this is nicely modded with new caps and golden lion KT88s), my fallback SS amp is the Nuforce Ref8. The nuforce can handle the load of the Innersound, but switching amps are not good mates for ESL speakers. So I'm looking for something class A/B maybe even hybrid.

It's interesting to hear that you hear Roger's recent setup with his new amps. The digital crossover and the upgrade kits should arrive tomorrow and I'll get to experiment with it.

I am still wary of exposing my VTL to those speakers...

Spectron Musician III?! I've never heard of it, but seems like something worth checking out.

I had initially been thinking about the Krell or the Ampzilla amps, but the recommendations here for Sunfire, JC1, etc, does give me something to research; thanks!
The Spectron is a digital amp. I remember Roger saying that digital amps don't work well with his panels. I'm not sure why that is but I would ask him first.

I think with the preamp you have you should be fine with his esl amp. He may let you do a trial period on one.

I just looked at his web site and read about the upgrade your getting. Looks like new panels and crossover. You must have one of the earlier eros. I think he perfected the panels by the time the eros 3.5 came out.

If you find a good deal on the Parasound JC-1s they should work well. I used to use their little brother A-21 on my Kaya's. The Halo A-21 is 250 wpc and was a little sweeter sounding than my innersound amp but not as transparent. Also was a little underpowered. The JC-1's have more juice so they should be a good match.
Check out CODA, made in Sacramento, CA. Excellent sonics and stability in driving difficult loads.