REF 3 In My System?

I was just offered a great opportunity on an ARC Ref 3. I had an LS-26 at one point and loved it and always wondered what the Ref 3 was all about. This is a great chance to scratch that itch. I'm wondering, from an impedance matching perspective, how it might work in my system. The ARCDB lists the specs for the Ref 3 as having an input impedance of 120K Bal/300K SE (I would be using SE inputs) and the output impedance as 600ohms Bal/300ohms SE (I would be using balanced outs). My amp is the Modwright KWA150, my CD player an Esoteric X-03se and my phonostage the Herron VTPH-2. I don't have the stats on the Modwright handy but the Herron has an output impedance of 500ohms. Not sure how Ref 3 would be "viewed" by my other components. Can anyone offer advice? Anyone use the Ref 3 in concert with the Modwright or Herron products?

I've got to move pretty quickly.....
If your LS26 sounded good with your current system, you will love the REF3. I have an LS26 and the dealer lent me a REF3 for a few days and it really opened up my system.
I still have the LS26 but someday I am looking for a LS27 as it is touted to sound better than the REF3. However if a deal on a REF3 came along I would strongly consider it.
I had a LS26 and then purchased a REF3. It is everything you have read and more!
You should be fine. Ref 3 has a very high input impedance, meaning it is an easy load for your Herron.