Amps Using the 211 Tube

All things being equal (built quality, part quality, good design, etc) will a SE amp using the 211 tube sound better (I know it is subjective) than SE amps using other more typical tubes such as 6L6, etc? I want to know if there is something special about an amp using the 211 tube as far as sound quality.
Thank you
I do not have a great deal of experience with SET amps.I have owned and currently own a number of EL-34,6550 and KT-88 based amps.Some are/have been wired for both ultralinear and SET operation.With my speakers and in my room I have preferred the higher power output of ultralinear or push/pull operation.

My experience with 211 (and 805) amps have for the most part been in the large listening room of a local retailer driving large/efficient horn based speakers (SQ H-12 and H-15).My comments are restricted to those amps that I have named in that room,driving these particular speakers.There are times when I wish I could pack-up my clothes & toothbrush and move to that room!!!
I think you meant your amps can switch between ultralinear and triode push-pull, not switchable to SET circuit, correct?
I'm certain you are correct. I am no technical wizard! I do enjoy listening to music and playing with different equipment.I currently own a Rogue Stereo 90 which is switchable.
I used to own a Cary 805AE SET amp. With this amp, you had a choice of using 845 or 211 output tubes. The 211's sounded more powerful, with better control of the bass. The 845's had a more full midrange, more airy top end, and had more of the SET magic. I vastly preferred the sound of the 845's.
Sidssp makes a valid and important point, and I would argue further that the "sound" of a tube is confined what the specific tube IN A SPECIFIC CIRCUIT (Topology, Transformer, Driver stage, coupling etc.) can/will deliver. The second point - to reiterate - is the 811 (and 805, 845, 300b, 2A3) is (are) triodes - that is they have three elements, Anode(Plate), Cathode(For many triodes, the cathode and filament are the same, or called: 'Direct Heated') and screen or grid. the 6L6 is a 'Beam Power Amplifier'-per the RCA manual - and is actually a tetrode, or four element tube with 2 screen/grids and an extension from the cathode to focus the beam. They are not the same beasts....