Belles 150A Hot Rod with Audible Illusions preamp

Considering to add a solid state amp to my system. I was wondering if any Audiogon members have used an Audible Illusions preamp with the recently discontinued Belles 150A Hot Rod amp? I've only "read" that this is a nice combination. I've gone through older postings but could not find any comments. I'm using Vandersteen 2ce sig 2's with a updated Audible Illusions 3B preamp. I like tubes but always wanted to try a more powerful soild state amp.
Thank you all for responding to this post. Have yet to hear from any Belles owners?
I have a 150A Hot Rod, which I unfortunately blew up by changing interconnects with power on. I spoke to Belles and they will fix it if I ship it in.

It is a wonderful, musical amp, punching way above its price range.Excellent low end, very smooth, not the amp for you if you are a speed & detail freak. I used it with a SS C-J PF-R preamp and its sounded grand driving various monitor speakers, some of which, like the little Spendors, work best with a good amount of power.

Hope this helps.

Amplifier up-date. Picked up a 2007 Belles 150A Hot Rod in perfect condition. The matching with the Audible 3B preamp is awesome with the Vandersteen speakers. Very happy.