Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.

I've finally just a received a pair of Sylvania 6F6G tubes for the regulator and have had the system with the Sauvignon (Cortese Line Stage) running for around 2 hours now.

The Verdict: The system has not yet blown up, which is a good sign. The sound is little beefier, with certain instruments being brought out a little more. The extra deep bass maybe just a little too deep with the Ken Rads also plugged into the pre-amp. I suppose a more comprehensive listening test, with adaquate break-in time may make a difference.

Rectifier: Mullard GZ34
Regulator: Sylvania 6F6G with green letters
6SN7 : Ken Rad VT-231 Black Glass

Any thoughts as to this combination ? The Tung Sol Round Plates might make a better combination with the 6F6G. Although having said that, the Tung Sols are almost impossible to acquire here in Australia.

I came to the same conclusion on the 6F6G and the Ken-Rad combo in my Syrah. The bass did seem overly strong. I am using the Tung-Sol round plates with the 6F6G and find this to be a very pleasing combo. Bass is still strong and powerful, but it does not overwhelm the mids and highs. Deep strong bass is definitly a charactaristic of the 6F6G.

Looks like we broke 1000 posts. I was away on vacation, so I missed the 1000 mile marker.

Bob Malecki at is an excellent source of 6SN7's. He is not cheap by any standards, but honest. He specializes only in 6SN7's.

You can ask Bob to find a pair of NOS Tungsol Black Glass Round Pate 6SN7's and he will let you know as soon as he finds a good pair. He also tests all of his tubes prior to shipping and labels the test results on each tube.

Email him directly at or go to his website

The NOS Tungsols from Bob might cost in the $ 200.00 - 250.00 range (USD). The NOS Tungsols are quite expensive but well worth it. You also might find them cheaper, but I prefer knowing that I am getting from a trusted sourc\e and that they excellent tubes. Over time, the extra cost of NOS means little when you get great long lasting tubes.

I found that NOS tube take 2-300 hours to reach their potential. I noticed remarkable differences after 100 and 200 hours of use.
Good Luck and Enjoy the process
Well, I've got my 6F6G(st)s and I have Ken-rad and Tungsol 6SN7s. Now if Mick gets me my replacement umbilical I can give them a whirl in my Syrah. Note- I had to have one of the 6F6s replaced. Plugged it into a small Dared mono that I have to start burning it in, walked out of the room to let it warm up, and came back to a cherry-red tube, with smoke coming out of the base!! No flames, but they were imminent. Got it unplugged, cooled off, and fired up the mono w/another tube set. It worked fine, but I am quite glad it wasn't my Syrah that got lightly toasted. Lesson learned, never leave a new tube unattended when firing it up the first time. Any tube can be damaged in transit.
We will hit another milestone when we get to March 23rd, which will make it 2 years ago since you first started this great thread. Congrats & Thanks to you for getting this going and making us all aware of Supratek and Mick’s incredible pre-amps.
Best Regards Cello (Larry)