Mccormack DNA-1 describe the sound characteristics

I own a DNA-1 (unmodified), TAD 150 signature, and Jolida 100 cd. I am using Morrow interconnects (MA2 & MA1) and the sound is fatiguing it is bright with little mid and low end. The sound is flat.

I tried rolling tubes in the TAD using the stock chinese, Mazda and Sylvania 12AT7, but the sound doesn't seem to change that much.

I am thinking the amp is the problem......??? Your help is needed in my delemia...

Do I invest 600 - 1K on moding the amp by Steve to improve the mids and low end?? Or do I just swtich gears to purchase a different amp with the sound qualities i desire???
I have morrow interconnects which I suspected originally, but now have well over 250hrs. on them. Can they still be bright and not allow full music through?
I used a TAD-150 signature and stock DNA 1 for 4-5 years. I found the combination to be a great match, very revealing of upstream changes, new cables, etc. If anything, I'd describe the sound as full and rich, and perhaps not as resolving as other systems that I've heard. I never found that combination at all fatiguing, though.

I agree with the other posters that you may want to focus on other parts of the chain initially to address the brightness that you're hearing.

I reversed the speaker wires on the amp side placing the positive to the negative labeled connection. I listened to one song and found the sound to have a little more bass and slightly fuller.. with a little less brightness. Could the amp be wired incorrectly? The TAD isn't phase inverting like some Cj pres... All other interconnect connections are as labeled. The other course thing about the amp,the left side heat sinks are black while the right side has a purplish hue. I would think both side should genrate similar heat and would be colored in the same manner??
"I would think both side should generate similar heat and would be colored in the same manner??"

You would think so but maybe the previous owner wasn't running the amp equally in both channels at high levels for years. Or the heat sinks were from different batches.
Put a test CD (ie. stereophile, etc.) in and using a multimeter on the amp's speaker terminals measure if both channels are the same. Check DC offset while you're there.

You can't evaluate the sound using FM tuner as a source.

How do the Alons sound with your Luxman receiver using CDs? If still bad, don't rule out your speakers and their positioning in the room.
The stock McCormack DNA-1 lays the basic foundation for a potentially good sounding amp. It provides a spacious soundstage with better than average midrange for a solid state amplifier. Without question it is musically involving and fast. The highs are extended and it is transparent and was placed in Stereophile's Class B rated products. However in its stock form it is not very refined and it can exhibit some grainy highs, this can be offset to some degree withy the right preamp. A DNA-1 with a revision can really take it to a new level.

The DNA-1's bass is not Kell-like but with the right speakers and preamp can bring out a very good bass response. Also the DNA-1 has sufficient gain that you can use it sucessfully with a passive preamp like the McCormack TLC-1.

I have always favored the idea that the most money should go into the speakers because that will dictate what type of associated components & sound you will end up with. Since this whole thing is subjective I would experiment with different interconnects between the amp and preamp as this can either brighten or warm the sound. The costs of interconnects has little to do with system compatibility. If that don't do it try a different preamp.

I've owned the TAD 150 before and liked it a great deal but do prefer the Audible Illusions or the TLC-1 preamp with the McCormack amp.