Ron, that is also an issue in my mind - the cost of the class A amps versus that of the class D amps. But to be fair, the Bel Canto is closer to half the price vs. a quarter or third.
But one of the claims of the class D amps is this performance per dollar and the many, many statements about the amps being better than amps costing many times as much. When somebody makes this claim, then I think it is more than fair to compare said amps with others costing twice as much.
Also, it should be noted that it costs considerably less to make a class D amp than a class A amp - that is just a matter of parts pricing, casework, etc. . .
I think the class D amps have improved dramatically, though my experience is that those that have shown the best performance and most promise are also the ones with the best power supplies and don't rely on just the switching amp. This, to a greater (vs. lesser) degree, can be seen in the weights of the better class D amps.
Ron, you are not the first to suggest the notion that the class D amps shine well on the Maggies, or e-statics/planars, etc. . . for that matter. I have owned Logans, but not currently and never at the same time as a class D amp - so I cannot comment at all in that regard. But based on what I have read, it seems your statements are well supported by owners of these types of speakers.