accuphase compare to mcintosh

1-For the moment i have a mcintosh int and i would like to know if the accuphase int have a better bass impact and dynamic.

2-What is the difference between accuphase and mcintosh in sound signature.
An insult to Accuphase, not sure about that. Mac is making some pretty good gear these days.
I respect Accuphase gear, and based on all that I have read, I would love to try one of their Class A amps. Nevertheless, I think that it has been proven in the past that jewel-like build quality is not a guarantee of "superior" sonics. Both companies produce high quality components that are known for their long term reliability and commitmant to customer satisfaction. Both companies also have loyal followers who enjoy their 'House Sound".
To call the comparison an insult is beyond partisan, it is just silly.
Off course its an insult..Mac is not Ultra High End, Accuphase is, and to compare the two and imply they are on the same playing field is absurd, and shows a lack of intelligence and awareness of who these companies are. Mac's top universal bluray player has three cooling fans in the unit, thats poor engineering. No other high end bluray player runs as hot. Good luck with the fan noise. There's close to 200 used Mac items for sale on Audiogon, which shows Mac does not have a high retainment of ownership as Accuphase does. If Mac's gear was world class in sound quality, there wouldn't be hundreds of used Mac pieces for sale on Audiogon, Audio Classics, Ebay, endless sea of used Mac far as sound and build quality, Accuphase is a Rolls Royce and Mac is a Toyota Camry...
the reason that there are 200 Mac items for sale is Mac sells 200x more volume than Accuphase.

quality for Mac wasn't good 10 years ago---but open up a 452 or 601 and tell me they aren't using quality parts throughout.