accuphase compare to mcintosh

1-For the moment i have a mcintosh int and i would like to know if the accuphase int have a better bass impact and dynamic.

2-What is the difference between accuphase and mcintosh in sound signature.
I'm humbled to be in the presence of such greatness.

This is awesome.

I can't imagine how much more you'll have to offer after completing that GED.
It is interesting that in two long conversations about all things regarding amplifiers with two great amp makers both said the thing is really about great circuit design with particular boutique parts being a distant second, it simply was not part of what they considered critical to their designs. Of course reliable parts that hold specifications is important, but not sure you need NASA requirements to get that. Might not hurt, but the NASA thing, for audio applications, sound more like it is coming from the marketing department than the engineering department.
Right. Great engineer will make an excellent sounding amp using off the shelf parts of reasonably good quality.
The same with speakers. How many times did you encounter expensive speakers that used "NASA grade" tweeters and woofers that just didn't sound right?
Skill first, parts second.
Audiofeil, I too am humbled by the level of experience demonstrated, and the perfection of the logic presented; it is not often that logic forming such a perfect circle is presented in such depth and with such vigor. I certainly have been schooled. I shall retreat to my corner and ponder my navel (which is surely not NASA grade - robust, circular, and enduring though it may be).

As to the OP's questions:
1) It depends on the integrateds. In general, I find Accuphase to have excellent bass, but to be a little rolled off in the treble. If I had to choose between top of the line Accuphase and TOTL McIntosh, I would choose TOTL Accuphase any day of the week.
2) I find Accuphase's 'house' sound signature to be quite detailed but slightly 'softened', and lacking in dynamics. I find McIntosh sound signature to be less detailed, and more 'round' - perhaps similar weaknesses but more pronounced.
Sounds like OP might have to actually listen to both to know which he would prefer, and that could be very dependent on the speaker and room used. Both are obvioulsy fine pieces of equipment.