Room Treatments for Maggies

Can anyone share advice on how to approach room treatments for Maggies?

Is there a best place to start that will maximize the impact?

I have read a number of posts on various sites on the internet that say traps up in the corners of the front wall help a lot but I do not know if this applies to Maggies as well as box speakers.
(((Is there a best place to start that will maximize the impact?))Dsper

What resistor values have you tried with the tweeter attenuator?
Best Johnnyr

I am a novice. Please explain what the resistor does and how it impacts the sound. What happens if you change to one with a "higher value". With a "Lower value".

Currently using stock setup from Magnapan.
Having owned several upper middle level amps (Krell FPB, Levinson, Pass, BAT etc. . ), preamps (ARC, Aesthetix, Ayre, McIntosh, etc. . ) and digital electronics (Esoteric, Levinson, DCS, EMM Labs, Wadia) and a slew of decent speakers (B&W, Von, Thiel, Wilson [4 dif pair], Gemme, Maggies, Martin Logans, etc. . .), I can say with absolute certainty that in 3 of the 4 different listening rooms I have set up in my house that acoustic treatments make as big or bigger of a difference than pretty much any single piece of electronics.

If you are blessed with a very good room, consider yourself lucky. But if you haven't player around with room treatments to some degree it is impossible to recognize the impact they can have.

Hey, Elizabeth, I have always had a lot of respect for your comments. This past weekend I was in Chicago picking up a pair of Thiel speakers and the shop had a used pair of SMG-A (??? I think that's the model) Maggies used - and they actually fit in my truck after putting in the Thiel CS6's, so I bought them ( to a large degree on your Maggie comments). Now I just need to figure out what to do with them (my 7th pair of speakers in my house!!!????) I have an pair of Bel Canto Ref 1000 lying around, are these any good with maggies?
I have owned the six foot Magnepans (IIa,IIIa,3.6) in 9 different rooms in the past 40 years.

Here is my advice.

1) they work best in rectangular rooms, set at the short end, 4 to 5 ft from the back wall. Rooms wider than 20 ft or longer then 30 ft are too big.

2) Sit about 10-12 ft from the speakers. No further. At least 3 or 4 ft from the rear wall. Chair height, ear level with the center of the speaker height.

3) Damp the wall behind the speaker, but not too dead. Keep the front corners and wall on the sides, bare or live. Keep the rear wall live.

4)Move the speakers, and listening spot, fore and aft, a few inches to a foot, to avoid bass peaks or nulls.

5)No bulky equipment between, or behind the speakers.

6)Minimum furniture except for a comfortable listening chair, or love seat
(why listen alone).

7) Nothing else is needed! Do not buy ANY room treatments!

Donc55 -

re 3 "3) Damp the wall behind the speaker, but not too dead. Keep the front corners and wall on the sides, bare or live. Keep the rear wall live."

How do you recommend damping the wall behind the speakers without room treatments?