is finding a good a/v preamp/amp asking too much?

In a former life I worked for Bose and have recently decided to get back in the game and purchase a new system. My question is this (I apologize for the ignorance)-In a perfect world, I would like to buy an preamp/amp combo that can serve both as a surround system and serve as a decent audio base. I'm planning on buying either Maggie 1.7's or MG-12's and am buying an Exemplar BDP-83 Universal player that I found on this site.My budget is approx $2000 and my preference is tube, but I'm guessing that's not possible. I also have no aversion to buying used, probably prefer in order to get more bang for my buck. Any help/advice at all is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance...
I want to thank everyone for their help...this site rocks! I pulled the trigger today on the NAD 765 HD receiver. In my research, it kept popping up on various sites/forums with a lot of positive comments regarding its audio capabilities. I realize that it's not optimum, but I'm comfortable at least starting with this. I also was able to find it @ for only $999 (retails for $2499) brand new. I noticed that Amazon and various other sites are sold out and Joe from Audioadvisor explained they are getting ready to come out with a new series/model. Since this does everything I need at present, I'm feeling pretty good about the purchase. Thanks again for everyone's help.
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I think you made a good choice in an AVR with your choice of the NAD 765HD. As many have expressed, it will not do as much justice to a 2-channel setup as a quality integrated or seperates but for an AVR it should sound pretty darn good. I have an older(2004) NAD T773 receiver that I picked up at a pawn shop for $350.00 about a year ago that sounds wonderful with 2-channel as well as HT. I am using it with a pair of B&K amps driving a Klipsch RF-63/RC-64 combo and letting the NAD handle the surrounds.

The NAD you bought should be a very good compromise.
