4 or 8 ohm with Harbeth

The specs for a Harbeth Compact 7es3 state that it is a 6 ohm load. On a tube amp should I use the 4 or 8 ohm tap?
I own an ARC VS-115 which has 4 and 8 ohm taps. Although my fronts are nomonally rated at 8 ohms, the impedance drops to 4+ ohms in low bass. A couple of A'gon technies suggested that I try both taps and use the taps that sound better. I did. Interestingly, while the specs "suggested" that I might do better with the 4 ohm taps, the fonts sounded like they were being driven under water. I switched to the 8 ohm taps and all is good.

So, I agree with Riley and Tom. Tried both and use the taps that sound better. Good luck.
Ditto above,try both and decide for yourself. After all, you are the one that that's listening. If you're worried about damaging your speakers, don't.
Thanks for the replies. One of my concerns was the possibility of damage to either the speakers or amp. I will try both and listen.
You don't mention your amp, for one, so why are you thanking anyone for their replies? Their comments are useless without more knowledge.
Second, why would you be concerned of possibility of damage? if you bought from a decent dealer you shouldn't have to be asking....
It is the cross-over interaction with your amp that is affecting your sound and yes, your speakers will often fluctuate to 4 ohms. The lower impedance tap always tends to be safer on your outputs as this setting is made to handle more current demands.