Rogue amps-- try 5751 instead of 12ax7

I have an Atlas and just swapped out the pair of 12ax7s for 5751s and it's amazing to me the transformation. The Rogue (which I run with KT90s, biased up a bit) has been incredibly detailed for me, good bass, very transparent and I've loved it. Adding the 5751 (Raytheon windmill getters) has injected this really cool vintage-y tone and an incredible soundstage depth.... definitely at the expense of some punchyness in the bass but it's a very worthwhile trade off to me. I recommend giving it a try.
On my side, I've received one week ago a pair of GE 5751 1960's (grey plate, triple mica, 5 stars). I placed them in my Cronus instead of the 12AX7 and they are wonderful. Surprisingly, it adds an improvement on bass. Plus, voices are beautifully separated when there are back vocals. All in all, these tubes are very musical and I don't hear any of the bad things that some say about NOS tubes.

Another thing, on the suggestion of Mark O'Brien at Rogue, I replaced the EL34 by KT77's Genalex Gold Lion reedition. Just a big WOW !

Enjoy your sound,

Use NOS Tungsol 5751s in my Cronus Magnum

Sebastien, take this for what it's worth as I am not partial to EL34s,I recently swapped GL KT88s out of my Ayon Spirit for Shuguang Black Treasures - to my ears they take the music up a few notches, more detail & dynamic -prior to these I found the GLs the best KT88s I used. There's a Black Treasure version of the EL34 , haven't heard it, but if it is as good as their KT88 it might be something to keep in mind at some point if you're interested