Back to tubes?

Seriously thinking of replacing my SS pre with a tubed linestage. Contenders include ARC Ref 5 and VTL 7.5. Certainly open to suggestions as well.

Plan to keep the Boulder 1060 for now.

Could pull the trigger on a Boulder 2010 but I am well aware that the cost of a component is often not commensurate with its performance.
Glad to have you back. I own the ARC Ref 3. I understand the Ref 5 has the same sonic signature as the Ref 3 -- just better. Some say a lot better. I love my Ref 3. It's simply a great line stage. So, the ARC Ref 5 has my endorsement.

What about a phono pre? If you have the bucks after the Ref 5, you may want to consider the PH-8 or Ref Phono 2. I own the PH-7. I own and love the PH-7. However, as with the Ref 3/5 line stages, I understand the PH-8 and Ref Phono 2 are much better than the PH-7. My question is how is that possible -- the PH-7 is so good.

BTW, I see Ref 5 line stages come up for sale from time to time on A'gon. It's a nice way to pick up a top performer and shave $3 to $4 grand off MSRP. Don't recall seeing too many used PH-8s or Ref Phono 2s for sale. But they're kinda new. But you never know.

One last comment. As I have said on other OPs, synergy makes a big difference. I would make sure the line stage, whatever it is, be compatible with your Boulder amp. I would think a high end audio dealer could help. Or call the manufacturer of the line stage or amp, maybe both. And . . . there's no beating a home audition if your dealer allows it. Some A'gon members report that they have been able to do home auditions.

Now. . . as often happens with similar OPs looking for equipment recommendations, get ready. Every owner or manufacturer of a tube pre is about to recommend their favorite rig. Shouldn't be a surprise though. There's a lot of great gear out there.

Good luck and signing off.
Look at some of the Shindo preamps. They emotionally connect you to the music better than any other preamp I have heard
I would look for used BAT 51SE. A bargain at these prices IMHO with all the attributes of clear and non-colored, great textured amplification.
Had the Ref.3, Spent time with the VTL 7.5 (series 1) and bought the BAT REX. For me, the better preamp. No idea how it will match up with your Boulder, but was great with amps from bryston, Manley, VTL, and of course the REX amp I use now. Downside is runs hot.