Replace pwr cord w/IEC socket on vintage gear?

I have thought about this many times, as I own a fair amount of gear from the '80s. Yesterday I picked up a KILLER Heathkit pwr amp, but it has a really wimpy pwr cord. The shop where I bought it will install an IEC socket for 1 hr. labor plus the part. Given that this opens the amp up to the world of better power cords, this seems like an attractive, low-cost upgrade.

Has anybody here done it, and how'd it turn out?
Units built in 60's 70's are very often have more advanced engineering than today's 'pure and minimalistic' designs. Having the fact that parameter tolerances for electronic and passive devices were much less precise, designing a well sounding unit was a great challenge.
These units might benefit from new parts equivalents but very tiny-likely you'll get desirable ROI from IEC/PC...
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Onhwy61, No I don't think the engineers at Heathkit tried different power cords, but I believe they voiced their product with the existing power cord. Got it?
Elizabeth, The problem is the addition of another connection and materials by installing an IEC. Audio Research resisted IEC sockets for many years because they said it was detrimental to the sound of their equipment. Finally they gave in because the market demanded it.
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