McIntosh MA6300


An acquaintance at work is selling an MA6300 Mcintosh integreted amp for $2400. He says its in perfect confidition. I am in the process of building a higher end system - on a budget. I want to play mostly LPs and MP3s. My question: is this too much amp for me? Is the amp worth the money or could I get something that meets my needs for less money. I am willing to invest but not just because its a name... albeit those blue meters are pretty sweet to look at. Thanks for any advice you might offer.
I sold my 6300 for $2150 almost new. It bought it sealed and the woman claimed it was won in an auction. More likely her boyfriend worked at a dealer and it fell off the back of the truck.

I would also look at the Ayre integrated. I liked it better than the Mac 6300. Better staging and clarity while not bright and a little laid back. Like mentioned above you might want to put forth more information.

Come on Mechans, my Nordost Tyr shoe laces cost me more than $2400. LOL you speak the truth.
The Mac 6300 is a solid(warm/relaxed) amp but it does not want to be pushed. Had a hard time driving a pair of ATC-SCM 11's to a satisfactory level. IMO the AVI Lab Series(S21) is the best value(non-tube)intergrated on the used market. It may be difficult to find, but the build and sound quality approach a Jeff Rowland intergrated amp. For around $1500 it's worth the effort to find one.