Best solid state amp for B&W 801 Matrix Series 2

I'm currently looking at the Bryston 14BSST2, but I'm not 100 percent sure. I already have a 4BSST.Would that be ok? But anyway, what would you guys and gals choose for the power hungry 801s? My spending limit is $7000.

Your responses are much appreciated. Thanks!
Ok, thanks guys. I haven't heard Threshold in a long time. I've never heard Parasound and Classe. I don't care for Levinson. I used to own the No. 23 amp, and I hated it.
Dave_72, About the only thing a Levinson 23 and a No. 20 have in common is the name. However, the 23 is not a bad amp either. If you hated the 23 you most likely had a bad match. At any rate, it sounds like you already had your mind made up on Bryston, so why ask?
I did actually. It was matched to Apogee Stage speakers. Noth the speakers and the amp shut down and the tweeters blew.

True, but I wanted to know if the Bryston 14BSST2 has enough muscle to drive the 801s. It's not a cheap amp (to me anyway,) even used...
If this is the right 801, it is not an 'easy' load, rather an amp eater.

No tubes would probably work well, at least electrically.

Good sensitivity helps some, but look at the phase data: