Know of any true bullet proof equipment stories?

My buddy was just telling me about his Mcintosh MC275 he has that he scored after it had been in a fire and thrown out of a second story window.

To quote him "Its ugly as hell, But it still works pretty good"

I figured I'd see what other stories yall had

I completely agree, I luckily have an amazing local tech/salesman/speaker builder who is a friend and I can bribe with beer.

I firmly believe in building relationships with people in your community. Its amazing what a little listening and appreciation will get you.

It helps I used to work with him, but if you can find someone who loves what they do, their looking just as much for someone like them that they can talk to. I was amazed when I went and had beers with him the first time and he actually wanted to talk about stereo outside the shop!

Life is all about relationships, remember this and youll get some great advice and if your lucky when something goes wrong youll go straight to the top of the list
Oh thanks for all the great stories, I always said McIntosh was bulletproof literally, Its cool to hear other stories, especially the marantz, now thats impressive!

Thanks again
Having owned many Marantz receivers and amplifiers from the 70's, I would say these above all others enjoy legendary bullet-proof status. Who can forget this classic Marantz magazine ad for the 2270 receiver?
Back in the early 1970s I used to work at the Allied Radio Shack 5-state service department. We had a Realistic receiver come in that was so melted from a fire that the knobs were blobs. The unit was sooty from one end to the other. It was sent to us for checkout- the only thing we found was the FW had died due to a bad Intermediate Frequency IC chip. But that particular receiver was prone to that particular kind of IC failure, so we could not definitively say that the fire caused it. It was on display in the local retail store for months- playing.