Rega Brio R vs. Naim 5i integrateds...


I have had much in the way of high-end gear...and am putting together a small system and would like to consider these two integrateds. I've had ARC, CJ, Classe and much more...mainly dipole speakers and Thiels.

So for this 2nd smaller system...I thought I would try one of these British integrateds.....understand PRAT and it seems people talk of that with these two.

If any of you have any experience with either...please share your insight with me..

Since you sell both the Rega Brio R and the Naim Nait 5i-2 could you please tell us all your impressions.
I am sure they are both great amps but I would really like to know your thoughts of how the sound compares and contrasts to each other.
Thank you in advance!

Not a simple comparison. One that I can't do justice to in the constraints of a blog. Know that with either amplifier you will be getting one of the very top sounding amplifiers in their respective price catagories and they both can be a the centerpiece of a modest and superb modern hifi system.
Feed them well and they will reward you.

Both companies and both amps are at the top of the game today.
I've never heard the Rega integrated, but I've owned and greatly enjoyed Naim 5i and XS. Both are wonderful.

Have you had a chance to demo either/both the Rega and Naim in your home?
'Feed them well and they will reward you' is the best advice to give anyone setting up a system.
I have owned both and find the Naim sound extremely involving and more 'front seat'. The Rega amp I also enjoyed having a different presentation with more laid back sound in MY SYSTEM. Both deserve to be auditioned never the less.