Scott amp update/speaker question

After almost 2 months, I got my Scott tube amp back, all repaired. It is working beautifully, and I am revisiting a lot of music and hearing all sorts of new things - however - it took me trying FIVE sets of speakers to get to that point. What I ended up liking the most was a ridiculous fluke - I lucked into a criminally cheap pair of Yamaha NS 30 T studio monitors, just a couple days ago, and so far this is the pair I like the most with the Scott amp, by far. In addition to exceptional definition and clarity, the stereo stage seems much wider with this pair than any of the others I tried. So my question - I could find almost no technical information about these online: Does anyone have a set, and/or know what their efficiency is? Thanks!
The manual that covers Yamaha NS10, NS15, NS18, NS20, NS30, NS20A and NS30A does not give a sensitivity rating. My guess is they are very efficient. The impedance is 8 ohms and maximum continuos power is 30 watts.

I had excellent results running Living Voice Auditoriums with a Scott LK-150. I also had excellent results with a Sherwood S-5000 on the same speakers.
It's probably NOT the 'efficiency'. Or any sensitive speaker would do.

Rather, it is the phase / frequency relationship which defines the 'goodness' of load. high phase angles will suck an amp dry or reveal an amp which is just good into resistive loads without reference to a 'real' reactive load.

I'd suspect the Yamaha's of being a benign load.

If you had trouble finding just the sensitivity, best of luck with phase.
My original reason for asking, which I probably should have mentioned in the first place - the tech that worked on the amp said I should have speakers that had an efficiency of at least 98 db, but I don't understand what that expression means. Enlightenment?
Unless you want to replace the Yamaha speakers, I wouldn't worry too much.

Efficiency and sensitivity are 2 different things and I'm not up to speed on the technical differences. The number you want is sensitivity, though. Efficiency would be expressed as a percentage....%age.

Personally, I think that phase data....the Inductance or Capacitance of the speaker at different frequencies is more important than a single 'sensitivity' number. This is reactance and the higher the value at any given frequency, the more power is unavailable to the load to do work. What this measures is if the voltage peak and current peak in the waveform are 'in sync'.

If you are curious about this, Google 'Power Factor' for more information. Just Skim the Wiki article for the general idea and look at the illustrations.

Tube amps are a little funny about speaker loads and when SS 'took over', a different kind of speaker came with it.

If it plays loud enough for you, in the space the system is used in and doesn't distort or run out of power, you are probably OK. You could have hi sensitivity speakers, just buying on that number, and have a worse load for your amp.

Look at the data from the link. Figure out what you can and post back::