Best Bang 4 the $ Intergrated Amp

Hi Folks,
Looking to help my brotherinlaw. He recently bought a used pair of Silverline Preludes. He heard mine with my Pass X 250 which promted him to buy the Preludes.

His budget unfortuneitly is not in Pass realm.

What bang for the buck intergrated would you recommend to make the preludes sing. Must have good bottom end as well.

I havn't been in the audio loop for awile, so I would really appreciate your input.
Seabreeze why not contact Silverline and ask them for a suggestion with the price range he has , they should have a sense of what matches well.
I have Preludes (love 'em...although the price went up to $1499 recently, and I strongly suggest a used REL or other high quality sub to make them really sing) and the dude who inspired me to get them uses a Vincent SV236...I think the Shengya A-216 is cheaper and likely a GREAT amp (Grant Audio has these). I'd suggest a Kavent SP320 (similar to Vincent and Shengya, and built like a tank...I have one of their preamps) but they're not available currrently, or perhaps ever again.
Used,original made in England Audiolab 8000 should do just fine. A, LX or S. 60watt/ch 8ohm, almost doubles with 4 ohm. In reality it is more powerful, good drive and bass. Very reliable. Not easy to find but shows up here or on ebay from time to time for $300 or so.
You might look into an Exposure 2010s or s2. New at the top end of your budget. The Creek 5350 is also a good choice, as would be something from Rega.