Adding Placette for finer volume adjustment?

I cannot get a small-enough volume gradations from the Dact 23-Step attenuator on my (tubed) preamp. I was thinking of trying a Placette passive between the preamp and my power amp. (There is a lot of gain going on with my EMM cdp, a lot with the XLR outputs, less with the SE ones, so I am usually limited to the 1st 4 steps on the attenuator.)

I don't want to muddy-up the sound.

I tried some well-regarded attenuators thingys that attach to the RCA jacks, which did give me decent gradations, but made the sound muddy and veiled, so I gave up on those.

I *LOVE* the sound of the tubed preamp I am using, but I may have to give up on it and just get another preamp so solve this attenuation problem. Oh well...

Did you try the Endler or EVS attenuators? I started with the fixed goldenjacks and they helped. You basically get 2 volume controls when you add the adjustable attenuators. I don't need the Endlers since I got the EVS. Send me a message if you are interested in them. Less $$$ than a Placette and you can easily re-sell them if they don't meet your needs.
By the way, I do use the Lightspeed Attenuator which is the best passive I have used - including TVC AVC and both Placette RVC and buffered, but I did not recommend that of the bat since you really have to get the impedances right and I think Placette might be easier to deal with in that regard. But Endlers and EVS are probably a good approach as well, one less IC can't hurt:)
OK, thanks. Again, I'm trying to keep my preamp in the loop here, rather than replace it with a passive pre.