Best Preamp for Ayon Orthos II monoblocks?

I am looking for suggestions on a preamp for my system as follows:

Ayon Orthos II amps
Lumen White Artisan speakers
Nordost Heimdall speaker cables

Price range flexible, but prefer to stay within 10-12 K range.
What about Ayon CD-5s; functions as integrated tubed DAC, transport; an preamp; should have great synergy with Ayon Amps...list new for $11.5; but sure you could get for a bit less...
Someone I knew had the CD-5 and an Ayon integrated amp; the pre amp section was not good in either and my 20 year old Meridian 200 transport and Audio Synthesis DAX sounded better than the CD-5. He still has the Ayon amp but has sold the CD-5; he now uses a Conrad Johnson LS 17 with the Ayon amp.
My experience with the CD5s is that it is really a wonderful unit. Preferred it to the Meridian 808.3
Dougie, Stan's comment about the CD-5's preamp section are relative to what he feels is "good". Of course no integrated pre-amp is going to be as good as a dedicated reference tube pre for example, but imho the latest CD-5s has an excellent tube pre. I rolled the factory EB tubes in my player to NOS DR's & have been very impressed. In an a-b comparison in the same system, my CD-5s bested an Aesthetix Janus preamp with similar hours to my Ayon. The above-mentioned Meridian/Audio synthesis pair are both solid state, so personal preference weighs in. My advice is, let your ears decide.
"Of course no integrated pre-amp is going to be as good as a dedicated reference tube pre for example,"
I think that this may not necessarily be true. When I went to the CD5s, I got rid of two power cords and two sets of IC's which were necessary with my separate transport, DAC and preamp. These wires and connectors are sources of noise and degradation. Then I was able to take the money from selling these and go up two levels in the one set of IC and power cord that were still necessary, further enhancing sound. The designer saves money in using one versus three separate cases that can be used in higher quality internal components. So if the one unit is well designed and shielded, if think it can compete and beat separates at the same cost.