Lamm 2L Reference vs CJ GAT

Just wondering if anybody has a chance to compare the two pre.
I have L2 Reference.I am using it with Lamm LP2 and Lamm M2.2 . Lately I am a bit annoying with the lack of remote control. So I have been playing with the idea of changing the preamp. Also, I could use an extra input more than one direct and 2 line inputs on Lamm. I can't find any information on CJ input impedance to see if it might match LP2 3500 ohm output impedance. Pre to power should not be a problem, impedance wise.
I already ruled out ARC Ref5, heard the 40th Anniversary Pre but I prefer something with slightly more tubey sound rather than ARC neutral, somewhat leaner sound. My local dealer should have one to try soon but will be awhile before it is burned in properly.
100% disagree that remote is a compromise. even Vladimir's latest preamp has one.

I'm sure Audiofeil will chime in soon...3....2....1....
VAC Renaissance preamps are not compromised by the remote control. The remote works on mechanical actuators that are not in the circuit, and perform the same functions as operated by hand.
The VAC is another preamp you may wish to consider. A big plus in my book is the volume control which is not stepped.

A deal breaker for me with the CJ, is all their preamps invert polarity.
Thanks everyone for helpful suggestion. I was thinking about BAT for awhile but have not had a chance to audition it yet. A local dealer was trying to get VAC here but supposedly VAC told him that they are already at full capacity in their production line so they are not looking to add another oversea supplier at this time or something to that effect.

Syntax, I hope you read my post a bit more carefully. Remote is certainly a plus for me, but I also could use more than 3 inputs. If you stop being a sarcastic and actually pay attention a bit more, you could be a bit more useful here. If you think warm and tubey sound is inferior, that's your choice, I was not asking for your critique on my preference for sound.
For all of you anti-remote people out there, please explain how a stepper motor driven analog volume control would degrade the sound.
Rhljazz states that
"A deal breaker for me with the CJ, is all their preamps invert polarity."

With all respect, could you please explain to me why this is an automatic deal breaker in considering conrad-johnson preamps when all that is needed is to reverse the speaker cable leads either at the amplifier end or the speaker end? I'm not aware of any sonic consequences of the reversed polarity if this is done.
