Ayon Vs. Audio Research Preamps

I am on the verge of acquiring an Ayon Orbis linestage preamp (very new, w/little available review data). However, I am also very curious about Audio Research's LS27 preamp.
Has anyone had experience with either of these (possibly from a comparison persepctive) and might offer some thoughts?

Thanks much.

Hi Scott, yes I think the Orbis will be a great pre at it's price point. It's a good thing you bought spare DR tubes...they'll probably be sold out soon.
Not to hijack this thread but, I also have an AYON CD-5s (and agree it’s one Bitchin’ sounding unit). My question is to anyone out there who has managed to score both the 1980 and 1986 DH30P-DR Russian NOS tubes, and compared them in their CD-5/CD-5s/Skylla unit.

I love the guys in Arizona too but felt the cost increase between what they were asking for the 1st batch of super tubes and, all batches since - was WAY too much.

I've heard - from Paul (really don't know that he's a tube expect or parroting what his tech guys told him) that any of these Russian NOS 6H30P-DR tubes made prior to 1986 were the best so, why is 1980 superior to 86 and, if so - is it that noticeably !?

I ask because I picked the PCX batch (1986) and while they sound very nice, for my listening taste, I wouldn't say they knocked me out - which is what I'm told the 1980 batch most certainly will do. Having said that, I just recently tested my CD-5s (running the 86 NOS) with Valhalla SC's and CC Dreamline IC's and, with superior source material - a very magical combination. Exemplary detail, depth, nuance, tonality and firm, no nonsense bass (which really surprised me - I expected a much thinner sound).
Thanks to all who've responded. I apologize - I'm not the most timely in responding. And, yes, I've acquired a spare backup set of the 1980 Russian Super Tubes. Ya, expensive but considering I’m not likely to ever need another set of tubes is kinda reassuring. This unit will join me in the casket.
FYI - the remote issues and "other maladies" experienced are clearly the result of the ‘nut behind the wheel’ syndrome. I have got to listen to my compadres (you guys) and figure out where I put the manual….

Thanks again guys.