Kenji ans Simon,
I think you will be thrilled with this pre. I have had the Syrah, the Cortese, and now the Cabernet, and this is Mick's best work yet. Mine is set up for 6sn7's and the round plate, black glass Tungsols sound the best( big news there). It is just a little better in every parameter. Bass is more tuneful,stronger and faster. Mids are VERY pure, and the top end is just like the rest of the supratek pre's, superb. The soundstage is what octal tubes do best, no real pinpoint images here, but a well defined stage with great depth, even at the outsides. The new px4 tube will probably out live us all, and do have a nice glow to them. These preamps are just plain fun to own, not to mention the fraternity of owners. I think you will enjoy your purchase.
I think you will be thrilled with this pre. I have had the Syrah, the Cortese, and now the Cabernet, and this is Mick's best work yet. Mine is set up for 6sn7's and the round plate, black glass Tungsols sound the best( big news there). It is just a little better in every parameter. Bass is more tuneful,stronger and faster. Mids are VERY pure, and the top end is just like the rest of the supratek pre's, superb. The soundstage is what octal tubes do best, no real pinpoint images here, but a well defined stage with great depth, even at the outsides. The new px4 tube will probably out live us all, and do have a nice glow to them. These preamps are just plain fun to own, not to mention the fraternity of owners. I think you will enjoy your purchase.