What separates should I use for my vandersteen 1c?

I have a pair of vanersteen 1c's and a crappy onkyo receiver because I haven't figured out which separates to buy. I don't want to spend more than $5000 but I am open to all suggestions! as far as my taste goes, I just want to get the best out of the speakers. I love the thought and look of tubes, but haven't heard any and don't know a lot about amps in general. Im looking at the Anthem audio PVA 5. Thoughts? The rotel 1570 processor is good I hear but not the RMB 1565 amp... Please help! Thanks everyone.
5000.00 would be better spent to upgrade the 2ce signature II or a used pair of 2ce sigs at least. That is truly the sweet spot in the Vandersteen line. Everything better than it costs a LOT MORE but the speaker far above the 1 costs less than a grand more after discount.

I have the new Audio Research VSI60 with the 2ce signatures. I find it a perfect match, but it will run you around 3.5-4k, leaving you a grand to up to the 2s.

Get a good digital rig and you're set for life.

Wanna really set your ears on fire, get a good turntable
and add a great phono section...........lots of great new vinyl out there and it is truly the only real high res source.....ask richard vandersteen.....
Buy a used pair of NC400 mono amps for around $1800 and the balanced preamp of your choice. I have been using a Jeff Rowland Capri with mine. It mates very well. The performance level you will experience comes within a short distance of the finest electronics available today for around $3000 total.

I've read only great users reviews about the NC400. Seems like
it could be a good friend for many years to come. Thank you for the info.
1. add 1 or 2 vandy 2wq subs. 2 better. that will work substantilly better than 2ce. if you will plan to replace 1c, you should skip 2ce and go for 3a or 3a sig. in fact 1c + 2x 2wq can work even better than 3A.
2. i'll second to krell kav 300i integrated. no need to stretch for separates for 1c because it will make them SING.
3. find John Rutan from Audioconnection(Verona) http://www.audioconnect.com/ who gets biggest respects in audio community and he'll tell you nearly same.