I asked Mick about wich one of SAUVIGNON (linestage of Cortese) or CABERNET (linestage of Grange) would work better with single ended triodes like Cary 805C.
He said that although the CABERNET is the cream of their preamps both have the ability to bring out the best of the Cary, although the Sauvignon has lower gain and might have better volume control...
Does it have any importance with respect of amps? or is it more important if you have sensitive loudspeakers?. Or both?.
Compared with the Syrah gain he said that the the Sauvignon is about the same as the Syrah in "low" gain while the Cabernet is about in between of the "low" and "high" positons.
Someone could explain it?.
I´d like to pair one of those preamps with Cary 805C Single Ended Triodes (50 watts) and Von Schweikert db99 loudspeakers (99db sensitive).
I´d rather the CABERNET but I´m affraid to have very little volume control.
He said that although the CABERNET is the cream of their preamps both have the ability to bring out the best of the Cary, although the Sauvignon has lower gain and might have better volume control...
Does it have any importance with respect of amps? or is it more important if you have sensitive loudspeakers?. Or both?.
Compared with the Syrah gain he said that the the Sauvignon is about the same as the Syrah in "low" gain while the Cabernet is about in between of the "low" and "high" positons.
Someone could explain it?.
I´d like to pair one of those preamps with Cary 805C Single Ended Triodes (50 watts) and Von Schweikert db99 loudspeakers (99db sensitive).
I´d rather the CABERNET but I´m affraid to have very little volume control.