HI Jay461 if you want to have a sweeter sound with your SS try RCA VT231 grey glass.
If you want a substitute in almost the same ligue for Philips Miniwatt metal base look for GZ34 of these kind:
-bakelite black base
-with good flash down the top mica
-double D getters
-4 notch plates
-from the late 50,s and early 60´s
-branded GE or RCA. (with hole in center of base pin)
You can find them maybe as low as around $30-$40 if you look patienly.
I like 4 cut and double getter better than 8 cut single getter. 4 cut double
getter is older, single getter was a cost cutting measure, cost cutting is
usually bad for sound quality.
Around the middle 60's the tube companies tried to cut production costs and
many changes were bad for sound.
My favorite GZ34 bakelite base was from late 50's. Like 1959 was a great
sounding year!.
But again the best are Philips Miniwatt , Mullard or Valvo GZ34
metal base. They are the best althogh hard to say for how much compared with the GZ34 bakelite base.
If you want a substitute in almost the same ligue for Philips Miniwatt metal base look for GZ34 of these kind:
-bakelite black base
-with good flash down the top mica
-double D getters
-4 notch plates
-from the late 50,s and early 60´s
-branded GE or RCA. (with hole in center of base pin)
You can find them maybe as low as around $30-$40 if you look patienly.
I like 4 cut and double getter better than 8 cut single getter. 4 cut double
getter is older, single getter was a cost cutting measure, cost cutting is
usually bad for sound quality.
Around the middle 60's the tube companies tried to cut production costs and
many changes were bad for sound.
My favorite GZ34 bakelite base was from late 50's. Like 1959 was a great
sounding year!.
But again the best are Philips Miniwatt , Mullard or Valvo GZ34
metal base. They are the best althogh hard to say for how much compared with the GZ34 bakelite base.