As a group audiophiles work hard to attain subtle improvements in performance. As such I'm a little disappointed by the lack of subtlety in some of the responses. I don't see how someone could reduce my comments here to a criticism of people buying expensive components. As I see it there has been a trend at the higher end of equipment, which by definition is expensive, towards increasingly complex and as a result even more expensive linestages. It's the increasing complexity of the products that seems to be driving the cost upwards. Implicit in my comments is a belief that linestages really shouldn't be that complex a device. I could be very wrong about that belief. So rather than go on about the tax code, explain to me why the increasing complexity of some recent linestages. Is it only a matter of time before someone releases an 8 chassis linestage weighing 300 lbs. and costings $150,000. And I'm sure some will say that's progress.
The idea that the manufacturers of these products are charging "what the market will bear" is somewhat insulting to the people who buy these products. If Mikelavigne is a valid example, then this group of people aren't fools. They seem to be a performance driven as any other group of audiophiles.
The idea that the manufacturers of these products are charging "what the market will bear" is somewhat insulting to the people who buy these products. If Mikelavigne is a valid example, then this group of people aren't fools. They seem to be a performance driven as any other group of audiophiles.