Modern Linestages

This is a general question about how complex and expensive some linestages have become. I'm looking to understand why? I can grasp that really good volume controls are complicated and that equally good switches are not inexpensive. I also have a general understanding of the importance of a high quality power supply, which again is not going to come cheap. I just don't comprehend how you get to a 50lbs. plus preamps that cost well over $20k. Is this level of complexity really needed or is it the equivalent of the spate of 500hp "sedans" for every day driving?
"08-25-11: Liguy: The perfect linestage can be imagined as simply a wire with gain. If you do not need gain a passive preamp will do. So, you ask what about matching impedances? Well a simple buffer can be used. Enter the First Watt B1, a passive volume control with buffer. The buffer makes the passive preamp more versatile because the impedance issue is handled by the buffer. Expensive? Not in the least and very good sounding. Here is Nelson Pass's thoughts:Liguy"

Nelson Pass first designed that buffer for my Lightspeed Attenuator (passive attenuator) in early 2008 on "diyaudio" forums, it was so the Lightspeed could drive some of his very low input impedance amps that were 10k-30k input impedance that he and others were making. With his/others amps that are 47k and over there was no need for the buffer as the best sounding buffer was no buffer.

Cheers George
Thanks for the kind comments,not only do I like tubes, but particularly SET -DHT tubes(sigh,there`s just no hope for me).
Best Regards,
When I attend live performances(unamplified jazz groups) they consistently sound rather,full,rich,round toned and yes warm. Even when they play very fast tempo music it`s still very full bodied and preserves a sense of ease and density(same is true of classical music programs).


Quintessentially, this has also been my observation. Personally, I advocate a closer examination of the recording process and what it yields.


Start a power cord thread and I've seen more peace and harmony in an Oakland Raiders parking lot after a game. :-)

Onemug...that was hysterical! I recall going to Chargers/Raiders games that featured more action in the stands than in the game - LOL ;-)


Sam I see where you`re coming from, nothing wrong with that approach to system building at all. We all choose are own way to musical joy.