Goldeneraguy, I for one wasn't complaining about the price of items or knocking those who buy them. I simply observed that a new, very much higher price level seems to have emerged for top of the line preamps. Is it not a fair question to ask what prompts a tripling in price for what essentially should be a fairly simple electronic device? Could you provide an example of a linestage manufacturer who's product pricing bears no relation to his manufacturing/marketing/distribution costs?
Knghifi, how did I know you would sidestep the questions? I'm just glad I live in a society where people can make outrageous claims and then not back them up. It's all part of the price for a free society.
Knghifi, how did I know you would sidestep the questions? I'm just glad I live in a society where people can make outrageous claims and then not back them up. It's all part of the price for a free society.