Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
Hi guys. I must also express surprise Teajay that you report small differences. I found the changes in my system to be quite significant although not necessarily for the better. It is indeed recording specific and one of the main differences is the perceived change in volume that each recording may get to. I got the same at my dealer's system which couldn't be more different than mine.
Ozzy, I sent it back. I also had discussions with other audiophiles that have cost no object systems. They all sent it back. Their experience was very similar to mine, i.e. that the main drawback is the loss of imaging detail, flattening of depth and a shift in the tonal hues of the instruments themselves. I repeat my view that in a system where resolution and imaging is not 10/10, this may not be easy to hear and therefore the enveloping feeling of the qol may be seen as an overall positive. It may be a good algorithm for car radios etc and maybe one day they can figure out how to deal with this drawback for high end.
Mihalis, I see you have some interconnects that cost more than the Qol.
What type of interconnect did you use with the Qol. You know that the Qol is in the signal path and a lesser interconnect than what you are used to would result in the conditions you descibed.
Anyway, you have a mighty fine system, but I still like the Qol.
Haven't heard it, but I bet it's just like what Mihalis describes. More crap in the signal path that reduces resolution and transparency.

No thanks.....

No real helpful info. on my part(just like Shakeydeal!) However I appreciate Ozzy sharing his enthusiasm for this product. Where else are you going to hear about it in real world conditions. Many that have not found it to their liking I don't disagree with. How ever I don't think it is because your system is perfectly neutral causing the 'qol' to show all it does to or for a system. We all pick components no matter how neutral we think they are by balancing what we have with what we are getting otherwise it is just going to be noise to each of us if it doesn't meet our criteria. I appreciate that it sounds like Ozzie hit upon something, the 'qol' device, that works extremely well for him and that just may be of assistance to others also. Thanks Ozzie. Keep your enthusiasm and thanks for sharing.
Hey Ozzy,
The qol required me to add one Valhalla XLR. However, I don't think that matters at all since my comparison is not with and without qol, it is with qol on and on bypass. So the cable was always carrying signal and would have had its effect either way. I wish I could say cables (other than maybe power) can make such a difference but in my experience they don't...