Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
I think the QOL will find a happy home in car stereos, TVs, telephones and radios. In other words, in mid-to-low-fi environments. Isn't that the eventual plan of the designer?
I would differ from your point of view on qol's purpose of mid-to-low-fi environments. We will have to define this "mid/low-fi". What may seem "hi-fi" to me, may be "low-fi" by your standards. The reason being "affordability".
At the same time, I also disagree with Ozzy's comments that the better the system, the effective the qol is.

Following this thread, I have concluded that qol introduces a "perspective". Some folks like it and some folks don't like it. Neither is right or wrong. It depends on what perspective you are seeking. I have a doubt that there are some folks who may have been impressed with qol. But the very idea of "yet-another-circuit" in the system may have put them off - psychologically. This may be the reason why products like qol do good in the market, but are not very popular.
Milpai, by "low-fi", I mean precisely, low fidelity to the source. I was not trying to make a statement about affordability. There are plenty of inexpensive audio products that sound remarkably real. Just read recommended component lists and listen to well designed inexpensive gear at dealerships. I don't think this is the ultimate environment for this QOL device. By low-fi I'm talking about Bose wave radios, car stereos, flat screen TVs. I read somewhere that this is where this device will hit the mass-market. Devices that do not reproduce sound very accurately, but would benefit from some spacial enhancements.
Ok Peterayer, I get your point now. Thanks. But lets hope that they don't suddenly start charging $2500 for the wave radios :-)
"Ok Peterayer, I get your point now. Thanks. But lets hope that they don't suddenly start charging $2500 for the wave radios :-)"

That won't happen. But what will happen is these early adopters will kick themselves for buying this thing for 4K when the bottom falls out and it's available for muuuuuch less.


Haven't heard it, don't want to.
