Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
Ok Peterayer, I get your point now. Thanks. But lets hope that they don't suddenly start charging $2500 for the wave radios :-)
"Ok Peterayer, I get your point now. Thanks. But lets hope that they don't suddenly start charging $2500 for the wave radios :-)"

That won't happen. But what will happen is these early adopters will kick themselves for buying this thing for 4K when the bottom falls out and it's available for muuuuuch less.


Haven't heard it, don't want to.

Peterayer, It does not appear that you have actually tried the Qol Unit. Have you ?
213Cobra. Phil, I hear exactly what you're saying re the QOL. I know you've commented on the NeutralAudio X-DREI, but this unit is getting v.little discussion. Any further thoughts on it's possible effects, and how it might stack up wrt the QOL?
Hello Ozzy,
No, I have not actually heard the Qol Unit. I don't believe that I have commented on its sound. The benefits that you and others have written about do not seem to be lacking in my system, so I have no desire to audition the device. There are very divergent opinions about the Qol in this thread, and I find the whole topic quite interesting, as I do most topics in audio.