Separate volume controls for left & right channels

hi, I am curious to know why some pre-amps have separate volume controls for the two channels. Don't we want to have the same level of control on the channels? Can someone explain this to a novice? :) Thanks!
Much more flexability,I would think..Not all rooms are the same..Not all of us hear the same.. Buy using to seperate Left and right Mono Volume controls ( good ones ) you can control the room,ears or whatever,with out having to use a Balance control.I am actually considering doing it with Khozmo's left and right monos.......Makes great sense to me......
My Audible Illusions Modulus 3 and 3A both have dual volume controls. It may take a bit getting used to, but IMHO there is nothing like it for the flexibility and pureness of the sound. It is better than a balance control which I think degrades the sound.
From a purist standpoint it is better to have dual volume controls than a balance control in the signal path.
I had a preamp with dual volume controls once and it drove me nuts making the two channels match. Not that I was unable to do it, just that I always had the nagging feeling that I didn't have it right. A little bit of psychology and audio nervosa in play there. While it's true that there's more flexibility, the process of adjustment, listening, further adjustment every time I sat down to listen is not tenable to my expectations of instant audio gratification lifestyle.

If the dual volume controls are stepped attenuators then I'm ok, but a smooth continuous knob made me batty.
One of the advantages is better channel separation, or if you want to control right/left without a balance control.