which budget preamp?

I hope that somebody can shed some light on this for me. I'm considering a phono stage for around 400 cad.
I have thoroughly researched the ones I like to the point where I can tell you anything about them. I just don't know what they sound like. I have a Project 1.3 with an Ortofon Blue2m and a Speedboxll. Interconnects for the TT are Ecosse Composers. Tannoy 8 Reveals, Shunyata Venom 3's Mogami Gold, Mackie BigKnob. The big knob is a volume controller with a phono preamp built in. The system already sounds very clean, punchy and smooth. But I want a little more smooth AND keep the punch and clean, and I'd like the sound to open up a bit. Any suggestions?
dude....I'd help you if I could, but i don't know shit about phono pre amps....I just hated to see you get blanked on a Friday night....Best wishes from Lake Tahoe, CA,
Are you thinking new or used? Used of course has the advantage of letting you try it out and being able to sell for close to what you paid. Used preamps that I have tried and liked around under $400 cad are the Vincent PHO-8, Musical Fidelity V-LPS and Dynavector P75 MkI. I plan on getting a Dynavector cart so settled on it. One of these days I will get around to listing the others for sale...

But generally speaking, are you looking for MM only or MM/MC? Preferences for tubes or solid state?
Just pick one. You probably already know from all of your research which one you want to pull the trigger on, No?
Jolida JD-9. New just outside of your price range, used probably just within.