Good budget tube amp?

So, I've been wanting to upgrade to a good tube amp for a long time now. Currently, I've got a pair of Totem Rainmakers and an NAD C375BEE. I'm thinking about selling the NAD and getting a tube amp instead. My question--can I get something good for 1k or less? I've listened to a Rogue Audio amp that I loved and am trying to find something similar in quality. I've been told to look at Dynaco, but as I don't have much familiarity with them, I'm not sure exactly what to look for. If someone could point me in the right direction with some model names to look for, or even a good site that has information on Dynaco/other budget tube amps so I can learn a bit more about what's out there, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I share your opinion when it comes to Rogue Audio amplifiers and currently own a Stereo 90.I also own and love a Raysonic SP-120 KT-88 based integrated.It is great sounding,very dynamic,and the quietest tube amp I have owned.You may be able to find a NOS SP-120 or its EL-34 based SP-100 sibling at or near your price point.They have been replaced with mk.II versions.The differences (between the original and Mk.II) are mainly cosmetic.
Though a notch down from the Raysonic,the affordable Yarland amps do a decent job as well
There are a lot of good suggestions here.

However, I would encourage you to check out a true blue Dynaco ST70, either used, or new and available through Kevin at If you need someone to build it for you, he has a network of folks to provide that.

For all the criticism leveled at the ST70 over the past half centure, it remains one of the touchstone products in audio, and possesses a magic that most high-end audio components never come close to. The only real negatives I find with it are 1) lack of power compared to a larger amp and 2) subpar performance in the low frequencies. It took me 25 years of overlooking them, only to discover as one of the finest, most engaging products I've encountered.
Trelja makes a fair point regarding the ST-70. Note that Mr. Latino can also supply an all new, "modernized" version of this that addresses these issues to a useful degree, and the Dynaco pedigree look is retained. Keep in mind that no matter how many raves you hear about this or that amplifier from the so-called "Golden Age", practically all of these were designed under serious cost constraints for a MASS MARKET. There was neither much of a "high end" as we know it today, nor a hardcore consumer subculture for extremely pricey solutions or boutique parts, status symbols not withstanding.

I think you'll find the KT-88/6550 version I mentioned with the beefier transformers more economical in the long run: the "supply side" constraint on resale prices and "appreciation" of the standard ST-70 and its many variants is pretty obvious. Then, too, your options for speaker choices (and speaker bargains!) are expanded. You can always use EL-34's or 6CA7's in the he-man version, if that better suits your taste in sonics. Also consider that triode mode switching and an input attenuator with gain/sensitivity options via tube choice are available, too. Work through the math, consider the market's alternatives... you'll see.
A few more things I should have mentioned regarding the "true blue" pop-classic: Proper NOS 7199's are a must -- they are generally considered pricey -- so carefully investigating the condition of these in any ST-70 you're considering is important. A minor mod to accept NOS 6GW8's (pricier)in this position is considered by some enthusiasts to be the high end way to go. Substituting a pair of top-shelf input loading resistors such as Caddock is dead simple and can clearly improve the sonics in a well sorted out tube amp for the price of a solo dinner at Appleby's. And don't think the kind of gold binding post mods you commonly see around are improving the sonics: more likely, the opposite, cable-fitting issues aside.

BTW, Trelja, do you think some folks in Kevin's network would want to take on some of the refurb work I alluded to in my initial post at a keen price for tube newbies? THAT would simplify this path greatly for Rossbernstein and others.